Frequently Asked Questions

We've answered the most popular questions about the Tower Fellows Program. If you didn't find the answer here, we'll be glad to help you, please contact us.
  • What is the Tower Fellows Program?
    The Tower Fellows Program offers highly accomplished individuals an opportunity to come to Austin for two semesters to explore, discover, reflect, and prepare for whatever they decide comes next. The program seeks participants who are eager to pause, think, and create a new, enriching professional and personal journey for the next stage of their lives.
  • What is the tuition for the Tower Fellows Program?
    Program fees for the academic year are $60,000 for each Fellow. A spouse or life partner who also participates as a full-time Fellow can do so at the reduced program fee of $45,000.

    The program fee covers your classes, official Tower events (3 per week), access to Tower Fellow Community room, parking on-campus at Rowling Hall Garage, your FIT assessment, and coaching including your Faculty Advisor. Books, class materials, tickets for sporting events, tickets for performing arts events, etc. are not included in the tuition.
  • When does the program begin?
    Fellows can begin the program in the Fall or Spring semester. We also ask future fellows to participate in a series of orientation activities soon after their acceptance to begin the process of personalizing their journey and to get acquainted with the cohort, staff and campus in general.
  • What is the typical schedule for a Tower Fellow?
    Each week's schedule typically includes a weekly lunchtime seminar with all members of the Tower Fellows Program cohort as well as faculty from across the University. In addition, once each Fellow has decided on which classes he or she will take during the semester, they will participate in two or three courses that meet at various times during the week, and will be engaged in other academic activities that involve time commitments on a regular schedule. There are usually monthly evening events with speakers from the university and the Austin area as well. Beyond these structured activities, Fellows may wish to take advantage of the many other opportunities at UT and around Austin for such activities as lectures, concerts, sporting events, etc.

    View a sample of Tower Fellows Program events
  • What are the criteria to be a Tower Fellow?
    We seek enthusiastic individuals who:

    • Have major accomplishments and who now seek to deepen their knowledge and/or embrace new fields

    • Wish to undergo a personal transformation and have a significant impact on others by making an enduring difference in their communities and beyond

    • Are eager to actively participate in and contribute to the unique learning environment of The University of Texas at Austin

    Fellows will be selected based on how their participation in the program will shape their future life journeys. A record of successful collaborative efforts will be considered along with the knowledge, skills, and accomplishments of applicants. Consideration will also be given to what future Fellows will contribute to the program and the broader global community.
  • What do I receive at the end of the program?
    Fellows receive a Certificate of Completion from The University of Texas at Austin at the conclusion of the program.
  • What about housing for Fellows during the Program?
    Fellows are responsible for finding their own housing. The Tower Fellows Program office provides information about resources that Fellows can use in securing housing in the local area.
  • Is there office space for Fellows on campus?
    Yes, the Program provides a community space where Fellows can work and stay connected with one another.
  • What are the expectations for residency for Tower Fellows during the program?
    TOWER Fellows is a full-time program. Fellows should expect to be able to attend at least 80% of all program events including class sessions and exclusive Tower programming throughout their year. Being on campus at least 20 hours per week during each semester is required to realize the full benefit of being a Fellow.
  • What is the application deadline? When will Fellows be selected and notified?
    Applications are accepted and selections are made on a rolling basis. For more information, visit the Become a Fellow page.
  • Is the Tower Fellows program the only way to take classes at the University of Texas?
    No! A nonstudent can audit a course by obtaining a Class Auditor Permit from the Texas One Stop and gaining the consent of the instructor. Nonstudents under the age of 65 are charged an audit fee of $20 per course. Learn more here.
  • Are there other ways to participate on campus?
    Yes - many! One key way is to look at the Texas Today events calendar. Another option is the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) which has different programs with speaker series. Click here to learn more about OLLI or call 512-471-3124 for more information.
Other Questions?
Please contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss becoming a Tower Fellow.